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Valentine’s Day Survivors / English Stand up Comedy / Brand New Show in VooDoo Club / 16.02.2023 / stage2 / 19:00

Valentine’s Day Comedy Showcase

A brand new comedy show in town!

Valentine’s Day is always a pain in the guts!

If you’re in a relationship, you have to make sure your dinner reservation, gifts, and everything about the day is perfect.

If you are single, you often have to witness those dating mother lovers pretend they are really enjoying themselves throughout this horrendous day.

We all deserve some rest and proper entertainment after we survive Valentine’s Day!


💖 André Serrenho
💖 Martin K
💖 Kamil Maleszyk
💖 Ravi Kumar

💖 Terry Marynich


🎤 André Serrenho
– a Portuguese Casanova now tamed by a beautiful Polish wife. Came to Poland for cheap vodka and pierogi and charmed dozens of local hotties, but chose only one.

🎤 Martin K
– a local redheaded seduction demon. Had to leave the country once as he was getting too much female attention. Had to return cause he was even more popular abroad.

🎤 Kamil Maleszyk
– buckle up ladies and gentlemen. This gigolo doesn’t leave with his mother anymore. He will share some seduction secrets, and apply them on the live audience

🎤 Ravi Kumar
– a young man who originates from the country that gave the world Kamasutra does have a couple of tricks up his sleeve. He will charm you with a soothing voice, and will slay you with killer jokes.

🎤 Terry Marynich
– an unlikeliest of womanizers. He hates to brag (and quote Katy Perry), but once he… kissed a girl, and he liked it! So I don’t know what you heard about him, but he’s a mother loving PIMP.

Also, a surprise performance by someone very funny you might have heard of is possible…


Stand up comedy


VooDoo Club [ stage 2 ]
Aleja Prymasa Tysiąclecia 48A (dawne Bema 65),
01-242 Warszawa

7:30 PM – doors open
8:00 PM – show starts

This show is not intended for children (18+ only admitted).

To get a ticket, :
– make a BLIK transfer to 504767563
– make a direct purchase on Eventbrite (link below)

– BLIK Ticket 30 PLN
– Eventbrite Ticket $10
– (1+1 )BLIK ticket at 55 PLN
– A group ticket for 4 ppl 100 PLN

* Door ticket 40 PLN available with no seat guaranteed.


Single? Just come and laugh it off. You don’t report to nobody!
BLIK the organizers 30PLN (504767563) with your name in transfer details, and you get the entrance ticket.

Wanna take your date to a comedy event?
Always a good idea! We’ll give you discount. 55PLN for 2 tickets! BLIK the same number 504767563 with your name in the description.

Double date?
4 BLIK tickets for only 100 PLN total. BLIK 504767563. Put one of the names of those who enter on transfer details.
Show your BLIK transfer confirmation at the door for entry.

Don’t have a BLIK?
The tickets are also available at Eventbrite at a slightly bigger price of $10/pc.

Reserve now to guarantee a seat.

Tickets at the door are more expensive (40 PLN) and don’t guarantee you a seating place.

If you have difficulty reserving a seat online, email Terry the host at: thuglifeteria@gmail.com for a reservation.
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