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Nidbild (DE) + Black Star Mantra (PL) + Entreaty (PL) / 09.02.2025 / stage2 / 19:30

Nidbild (DE) + Black Star Mantra (PL) + Entreaty (PL) / 09.02.2025 Warszawa

Nidbild to side project basisty / klawiszowca znanego na całym świecie COMBICHRIST!

Koncert tria thrashmetalowego z korzeniami w göteborskim death metalu i hardcore. Fani ciężkiego brzmienia będą mieli niepowtarzalną okazję, aby doświadczyć ich energii na żywo. Zespół słynie z intensywnych riffów i pełnych mocy występów, które przyciągają fanów ekstremalnej muzyki.

VooDoo Club [Stage 2]
Aleja Prymasa Tysiąclecia 48A
01-242 Warszawa

Wejście: 19:30
Start: 20:00

– 35 PLN – dostępne w przedsprzedaży online
– 45 PLN – dostępne na wejściu w dniu wydarzenia
Link: https://evently.pl/…/7550-nidbild-de-goscie-specjalni…

Link do zgody dla osób niepełnoletnich: https://www.voodooclub.pl/…/PISEMNA-ZGODA-OSWIADCZENIE…


Zagrają dla Was:


21:00 – ENTREATY

22:00 – NIDBILD

▶️ Nidbild
(thrash metal / DE)

FB: https://www.facebook.com/nidbildmetal/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/nidbildofficial/
YT: https://www.youtube.com/@nidbild2753
BC: https://nidbild.bandcamp.com
SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4nlRlzgsLR7gI5EbQi7qH4

Nidbild began as the solo thrash-metal project of Elliott Berlin (Björn Heden) of Aesthetic Perfection, Combichrist, and Telemark. During the lockdown months of 2020, the project expanded to include members from established bands from Europe and Australia. Elliott now takes the role of frontman and guitarist for Nidbild, with Danika Ruohonen of Australian death metal band In Death and Fang on bass, and Yannik Fleming of industrial black metal band Hanzel und Gretyl (USA) and industrial black metal band Dawn of Ashes (USA) on drums.

Nidbild takes inspiration and direction from Gothenburg death and thrash metal and will appeal to fans of bands from the same scene, including In Flames, Dark Tranquility, At the Gates, Insomnium, Be’Lakor, Amorphis, Hypocrisy, and Winter Sun. Hints of the members’ other musical backgrounds ensures that Nidbild will also appeal to fans of rock, industrial, Scandinavian metal, and black, thrash and death metal.

▶️ Black Star Mantra
(modern / progressive metal / Warszawa)

Modern Progressive Metal band based in Warsaw, Poland
Founded in the late 2021, the band released their first EP “Hourglass” and began touring. Currently working on their first full-length album. Listen to our music, check our socials or shoot us a message.

FB: https://www.facebook.com/BlackStarMantra
IG: https://www.instagram.com/black_star_mantra/
YT: https://www.youtube.com/@BlackStarMantra
BC: https://blackstarmantra.bandcamp.com
SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7vQPdgDX7CeUkNxhFCaXd0

▶️ Entreaty
(metalcore / Warszawa)

Polish metalcore band formed in Warsaw.

FB: https://www.facebook.com/Entreatypl
IG: https://www.instagram.com/entreaty_band/
YT: https://youtube.com/@entreaty_band
TT: https://www.tiktok.com/@entreatyband
SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1aUbs6kksKlleFiQaBYvRr

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