„FEAR FOR EVER The Double Headline Tour 2024” with FEAR LAB (CH) and EVERSIS (CH) + FLESHCOLD (PL), Alpha Zero (PL)
Fear Lab and Eversis slam their fists together. The FEAR FOR EVER – Double Headline Tour 2024 will stir up a lot of dust on stages in Switzerland and Poland with its explosive mix. For metal fans, this is the perfect opportunity to see two refreshing bands come together for an unforgettable spectacle. Put your hat on and your shoes on, it’s going to be wild!
VooDoo Club [ stage 2 ]
Aleja Prymasa Tysiąclecia 48A
Wejście – 18:30
Start – 19:30
– 30 PLN ( dostępne na wejściu w dniu koncertu, płatne gotówką )
Zagrają :
• FEAR LAB ( alternative metal / metalcore / post-hardcore )
• EVERSIS ( nu-metal / nu-metalcore / post-hardcore )
• FLESHCOLD (progressive metal / metalcore)
• Alpha Zero ( progressive metal / groove metal )
Wspierają Nas :
Strefa Music Art / Komis Goth Metal Punk
FEAR LAB – Zürich, Switzerland
FB: https://www.facebook.com/fearlabmusic
IG: https://www.instagram.com/fearlabmusic
YT: https://www.youtube.com/@FearLabMusic
BC: https://fearlab.bandcamp.com
WWW: https://www.fearlab.ch
The Winterthur alternative metal band „Fear Lab” – a trio that has catapulted itself from nowhere into the hearts of fans. With their new, explosive EP „Ready To Fall” Fear Lab are making a powerful statement.
The metalcore and post-hardcore influences are unmistakable and give the songs an intensity that gets under your skin.
Their energetic live performances are characterized by passion, dedication and an incomparable presence that captivates the audience from the first to the last minute.
Ready for the storm?
Then hold on tight, because Fear Lab is here to stay!
– Ready To Fall (Official Video) https://youtu.be/RKcFyAFkM3I
– Grim Reaper (Lyric Video) https://youtu.be/-FdN36t0vQ8
– Black Spider (Lyric Video) https://youtu.be/9G7cLBVclvI
EVERSIS – Winterthur, Switzerland
FB: https://www.facebook.com/weareeversis
IG: https://www.instagram.com/weareeversis
YT: https://www.youtube.com/@weareeversis
BC: https://eversis.bandcamp.com
Nu metal is dead? Not if “Eversis” has its way. The band from Winterthur, founded in 2013, plays energetic Nu Metal with a modern twist.
A straightforward rhythmic basic sound is complemented by oppressive breakdowns and harsh vocals borrowed from metalcore. It quickly becomes clear that the shared love for Nu Metal cannot be explained away and that the live audience also finds open ears and mosh pits. In 2021, the first studio recordings were released under the title „Monster” and consolidated the band’s ability to play direct, hard Nu Metal that is suitable for live performances.
– Dropout (Official Music Video) https://youtu.be/t2mXg4p9iO4
– Hate & Crime (Official Music Video) https://youtu.be/sgnCvM6LaTk
– Monster (Official Music Video) https://youtu.be/pcjq5PQ1v3g
FB: https://www.facebook.com/fleshcold
IG: https://www.instagram.com/fleshcold/
YT: https://www.youtube.com/@fleshcold
SPOTIFY: https://artist.sptfy.com/QXqf
Fleshcold to formacja wykonująca nowoczesny prog metal, pełen agresji, ciężkich gitar, złożonej rytmiki oraz mieszanki krzyczących i czystych wokali. Ich debiutancka EP-ka „C.O.L.D.” ukazała się w 2022 roku. Zespół odbył również kilka tras koncertowych po Polsce.
– DEVILMAN [Official Music Video] https://youtu.be/u1oxXN6zdSA
– ORIGINAL SIN [Official Audio] https://youtu.be/QsNwknBoSyA
APHA ZERO – Warszawa, PL
FB: https://www.facebook.com/alphazeroband
IG: https://www.instagram.com/alphazeroband
YT: https://www.youtube.com/@AlphaZeroMetal
SC: https://soundcloud.com/alpha-zero-band
Zespół łączy elementy różnych odmian metalu i innych gatunków. Czerpie inspirację z muzyki takich zespołów jak Fear Factory, Periphery, Gojira i Scar Symmetry.
Formacja pracuje nad materiałem na nowe EP i promuje nowy singiel „On The Edge”.
– Thoughtcrime (FULL EP) https://youtu.be/-5TbPwM_Bwg
– On The Edge (audio) https://youtu.be/uEoCf1odXuQ
– We Are The Light (video) https://youtu.be/iKehHjrTArw
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