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KARNA (Карна) – Arkan Tour 2.0 I Warszawa I / 30.03.2023 / stage1 / 19:00

Zapraszamy na Warszawski koncert głównych przedstawicieli huculskiej muzyki metalowej – KARNA – w ramach trasy Arkan Tour 2.0

🎸29.03 Wrocław
🎸28.03 Kraków
🎸30.03 Warszawa

VooDoo Club [ stage 1 ]
Aleja Prymasa Tysiąclecia 48A (dawne Bema 65),
01-242 Warszawa

Wejście – 19:00
Start – 20:00

– od 95 pln ( przedsprzedaż w sieci mticket)

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Zaśpiewajmy „Моя мила” i zatańczmy do nowych piosenek.

KARNA (Карна) – Ivano-Frankivsk, UA

– FB: https://www.facebook.com/hutsul.metal
– YT: https://www.youtube.com/@KARNAOfficial/
– IG https://www.instagram.com/karna_official/
– P: https://www.patreon.com/karna_official

The band was founded in 1997 in Ivano-Frankivsk and released first album „Letymo” in 2003 an second „KARNA” in 2010

In 2013 KARNA was restarted in a new, self-proclaimed genre „hutsul metal”.

Apart from authentic Carpathian details in the music, another peculiarity of „hutsul metal” is the band’s invention for live shows – the „metal arkan”: while performing, the guitarist steps down from the stage into the audience who form a circle around him, dancing the traditional Carpathian „arkan” dance; at a climax point, moshing begins.

This combines local Ukrainian traditions with world rock/metal culture

On November 17, 2017, the third album was released, called „Hutsul-metal”

⚡️ Вітролом (Official video) https://youtu.be/8QKhksFduxQ
⚡️ Добрий вечір! (video) https://youtu.be/uH4Hp8SX-aE
⚡️ Маленька (Official video) https://youtu.be/yU5E7ahf1Q4
⚡️ Party на Прикарпатті (Official video) https://youtu.be/HHYLS8n5ihE

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